
strategic narrative & OBJECTIVE

Disney castles + jigsaw puzzles = the perfect night in

Ravensburger, the European jigsaw puzzle market leader, was set to launch their new Disney Castle line of puzzles and sought a partner to promote them. I conceived and wrote two concepts that endorse the puzzles within a larger story of millennial free-time vibe shifts away from raging parties, and towards more relaxed “lofi” endeavors.


Custom interactive quiz on POPSUGAR

In keeping with the “lofi” theme, I designed a fun, immersive article concept as a quiz, where readers could engage with both the POPSUGAR and Ravensburger brands to find their ideal way to unwind—all of which included puzzling and a vibe alignment with certain Disney Princesses. Each answer also offered a clickable link and call to action to shop for their next Ravensburger puzzle, featuring the Disney Castle collection.


Custom Instagram story on POPSUGAR

I designed this concept for a interactive Instagram Story featuring a visually enchanting roulette wheel that viewers could tap to choose their ideal chill vibe. With each choice, they’re fed a unique, beautifully designed and fully shoppable Disney Castle puzzle.

My pitch write-up